Those who win also lose

When's the last time you saw someone get an opportunity, and although you were happy, you have been doing this for a while and wondered when your time would come.

This week I saw many victories on my timeline, but many people tell the truth about how sad it was not to receive an opportunity but to receive later a "yes" that was 10x better than the one they did not get.

It was a great reminder that even when it appears that there are consistent wins, there might be something that did not work out.

I know what it's like to be told that I don't have enough followers, and therefore I'm not a good fit for an opportunity.

I know what it's to be overlooked for a job because I never worked at a cool company. There's no way I have the skillset and the aptitude to handle a culture like theirs if I haven't worked at a top company in x industry. (Insert multiple eye rolls).

I know what it's like to do great work for years and watch other people come in and get the visibility I asked to have.

I know what it's like to be in the space of scarcity and wonder when my break will be.

I know what it's like to help people get jobs, but I wonder when it will be my turn.

The feelings are real, and I have felt them more than you know. But that's life. We experience some of the highest of highs and lowest of lows. One day we are on cloud nine, and the next, we are picking our face off the ground.

The time-lapse between your high and your low is the most precious time to nurture. However, you can do something to keep you motivated, so you don't always feel like you lack opportunity.

We fail to realize that we can feel abundance around us if we stay focused on our individual goals and less about what the next person is doing.

Another way to eliminate those moments of lack is by acknowledging and celebrating the small victories. Little steps get you closer to your goals, be grateful for them.

Lastly, feel how you feel about where you are, but remember that these moments are fleeting. Don't spend too much time on your feelings. Instead, take a moment to step back, rest, reset and keep minding the business that is yours and let your hard work align. Like my friend Auri always reminds me, "what's for you won't pass you."


“How you gonna win if you ain’t right within?”


3 Ways to Create a YES!